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Spionage i Grepolis er måden at udspionerer en fjendtlig by, for at se enheder og bygningerne i byen. Dette er ofte brugt til at finde ud af, om en by er værd at overtage eller for at udregne dine chancer mod byen forsvar. Du skal ikke uddanne en spion, som med andre enheder, han er mere en gratis agent, du betaler for at arbejde for dig.


Bygning der skal bruges når du skal spionere er hulen. Det er her, hvor du skal lagre dine sølvmønter, for at spionen vil arbejde for dig. Jo højere niveauet er på hulen, jo flere sølvmønter kan du lagre (niveau 10 er det højeste og tillader dig at lagre uendelige mængder). Du bør holde niveauet af sølvmønter så højt som muligt, da dette er det eneste, der forhindre fjendtlige spionere i at få informationer ud af din by.

Sende en spion


For at sende en spion skal du først have mindst 1000 sølvmønter lagret i din hule. Find en by, du vil udspionere, tryk på den og vælg spionagefanen (en hætteklædt figur). Her vil du finde en slider, der tillader dig, at vælge hvor meget sølv du vil bruge på din mission. Der er også en knap, der tillader dig hurtigt at vælge enten 1000 (den lavest mulige mængde) eller alt sølvet i hulen. Et billede vil komme frem i din byoversigts sidebar, der fortæller dig, at du har en spionage mission i gang.

For at din spionage mission skal lykkedes skal du betale mere sølv for din spion, end din fjendtlige by har af sølv i sin hule. Du behøver kun at sende 1 mere sølvmønt med end fjenden har i sin hule, før din spionage lykkedes. Det er derfor ikke anbefalet af du bruger runde tal, som 5000, når du sender af sted.

Hvis missionen lykkedes vil du modtage en rapport, der viser alle de fjendtlige enheder og bygningsniveauer og de vil ikke vide, at du har udspioneret dem og deres sølv vil ikke blive fratrukket i deres hule. Hvis missionen fejler, vil både du og fjenden få en rapport, hvor der står fejlet og deres hule vil miste sølvmønter, der svarer til det antal du brugte på missionen.

Defending against espionage

In order to defend against attempts to spy on your city, you just have to keep your cave stocked up with as much silver as possible. Since the enemy spy will need more silver than is in your cave, having a level 10 cave and constantly adding more silver is essential. It is normal in the mid to late game that players will have silver in the millions stored in their caves.

If an enemy espionage attempt fails in your city, you will get a report and will thus know that they are interested in it. If they succeed, you will not get a report and your silver will not be depleted. This gives the enemy the element of surprise when they attack.

By researching cryptography, you can also make it 20% harder for enemy spies to carry out espionage in your city.

By building the special building oracle, you will be able to see when people have spied on you successfully, thus you will know that they are interested in your city and you can prepare for it (Note, they will be able to see that you have an oracle in their report and so they will know that you know).

Espionage reports

Reports will come straight to your reports folder, but you can also view the most recent ones in your cave.

Failed espionage report

If you don't use enough silver, your espionage attempt will fail and both you and the player you tried to spy on will get a report.

Successful espionage report

If you succeed, then you will see the current troops in that city, the level of the buildings and the resources in the warehouse. There are also two buttons at the bottom of the report; Simulation and Publication. The simulation button will insert the cities troops and wall level (as well as the Tower if they have it) into the simulator as defending troops to allow you to quickly determine whether your troops could clear the city. The report, however, doesn't tell you if they have researched phalanx or battering ram, nor whether they have activated commander, captain or high priestess.

The publication button allows you publish the report for other to see. You can choose to allow your troops to be seen or not, as well as defending troops and booty. All you have to do is save the report, copy the code which appears and paste it into a message or the in-game forum.

Researches and Espionage
