Ø missioner rebalancering

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Ø missioner er tilgengælige på øer med landsbyer. Disse missioner giver dig muligheden for at klare forskellige udfodringer der skalere ud fra dine fremskrift i spillet, du blive bellønnet med forskellige effekter og giver dig muligheden for at optjene krigs og visdom mønter, som kan blive brugt til at øge færdigheden for dine helte.

Fra Marts til Maj 2017 vil dette system blive opdateret for at missionerne kan forblive attraktive for spillere i alle spillets faser.

Opsummering af ændringer

Formålet med re balanceringen af ø missionerne var at skalere dem bedre for at kunne følge med i spillernes progressioner, så missioner bliver mere udfordrende og bellønningerne mere værdifulde. Der er blevet lagt yderligere fokus på fjerne nogle uoverensstemmelser og blokeringer. Udover det er der arbejdet med gøre det mere forståeligt og nemt at klare ø missionerne.


Første fase

Med den første fase blev brugen af ​​mytiske enheder til missioner, der bad om at sende tropper, aktiveret, beregning for krigs og visdomsmønter blev ændret for at tage hensyn til verdens hastigheden og enheds forstærknings effekter blev justeret for at muliggøre bedre skalering.

Yderligere justeringer blev foretaget på den måde, hvor vanskeligheden ved hver søgen er bestemt. Kun den største by på en ø er taget i betragtning, således at nystiftede byer ikke vil resultere i lette missioner og dermed mindre værdifulde belønninger.

Andet fase

Til den anden fase blev øgets vanskeligheds beregninger ændret for at blive bestemt af spillet progression. Målet var at opnå en bedre skalering af missioner og belønninger. Fra 250.000 point fremover tilbydes nye udfordringer og bedre belønninger.

Endvidere blev flere belønninger i spillet justeret for at muliggøre bedre afbalancering, f.eks. Med ressource bonusser genvinde værdi i senere spilfaser. Et særligt fokus blev lagt på ø missions belløninger for at sikre, at deres værdi forbliver ens på tværs af alle belønnings typer, for ikke at skubbe spillere til kun at afslutte bestemte missioner og undgå andre.

Tredje fase

I den tredje fase blev algoritmen, der definerer, hvornår og hvor ofte ø missioner vises, justeret for at gøre det muligt for alle, der var fraværende i længere perioder, at begynde at arbejde på ø missioner kort efter deres tilbagevenden til spillet.

Fjerde fase

I den fjerde fase blev feedbacken taget i betragtning, der blev gjort så flere effekter ikke kunne stacke da disse bonusser kunne blive for kraftige når man aktiverede flere samtidigt.

Femte fase

Med den femte fase vil missioner blive flyttet for at blive vist i den almindelige missions log. Denne ændring gør det muligt for alle at se alle ø missioner mere overskueligt, i stedet for at blive påkrævet for at kontrollere by oversigten for nye tilgængelige missioner.

Comparison Chart

The list of individual changes to items, calculations and effects is exhaustive. The following list should give you an overview about the most important changes.

Feature Old System New System
Quest objective: Rally Troops No mythical units can be sent.

Objective asks for a certain amount of troops to be dispatched.

Mythical units can be sent.

Objective asks for troops equivalent to population amount to be dispatched.

Difficulty calculation for Island Quests Average points accumulated with all cities on an island are used to determine difficulty. Points accumulated with farthest progressed city on an island is used to determine difficulty.
Possible difficulty levels for quests 18 24
Game progression levels 3 4
Quest appearance intervals 2, 4 or 8 hours

Dependent on game progression level.

2, 4, 8 or 12 hours

Dependent on game progression level.

Quests after more than 24 hours of absence Appeared only after set interval. At least one quest available after login.
Maximum amount of quests present at the same time 10 6
Maximum amount of quests accepted at the same time 4 3
Areas to determine available island quests City overview & island City overview, island & quest log

General changes

Some item changes affect rewards that are available in several areas of the game, not only within the island quest system.


The following items had their values adjusted when given through in-game events and island quests. This does not affect items obtained via promotions or shop offers. Furthermore there are different calculations for coin rewars earned through island quests.

Item Old System New System
Instant favor.png Multiplier: Item level Multipliers: Item level, game progression
Unit movement boost.png Duration: 30 minutes per item level Duration: 60 minutes per item level
Currency coins of wisdom.png Currency coins of war.png Currency coins of both.png Multiplier: Item level Multipliers: Item level, world speed
Instant resources wood.png Instant resources stone.png Instant resources iron.png Instant resources all.png Multipliers: Item level, world speed Multipliers: Item level,

world speed, game progression

Resource boost wood.png Resource boost stone.png Resource boost iron.png Resource boost all.png 50% per effect 250% per item level

Unit Reinforcement Calculations

Base values of some Unit Reinforcement effects were increased in order to keep them balanced throughout all progression levels and gained unit amounts close to previously known numbers.

Item Base value (old) Base value (new)
Unit training boost slinger.png 4 6
Unit training boost hoplite.png 4 5
Unit training boost archer.png 4 6
Unit training boost sword.png 4 6

The values of Unit Reinforcement effects are determined as follows: base value*world speed*game progression factor.

Difficulty Levels and Rewards

The main focus of the island quest rebalancing was to make sure that quests remain equally challenging and rewarding throughout all levels. Therefore a big portion of changes was made in regards to difficulty levels and rewards.

Quest difficulty

Quest difficulty is determined by game progression level and progression of the biggest city on an island.

Game progression level Points acquired (old) Points acquired (new)
1 <10,000 <10,000
2 10,000-49,999 10,000-49,999
3 >50,000 50,000-249,999
4 not available >250,000

Previously there were only 3 progression levels in place. This amount has now been increased to 4. Additionally a 10th challenge factor was added that is used to better determine the rewards for each quest.

Furthermore the required city points for each level have been adjusted to no longer take the average amount of points across all cities on an island into consideration. Just the biggest city on each island is used to determine the challenge factor for quests on that island.

Quest challenge factor Average points (old) Biggest city points (new)
1 <300 <750
2 300-500 750-1499
3 501-800 1500-2499
4 801-1500 2500-3999
5 1501-2750 4000-5499
6 2751-5000 5500-7499
7 5001-7500 7500-9499
8 7501-11000 9500-11999
9 >11000 12000-14999
10 not available >14999

Quest difficulty is calculated with the following formula: game progression level * quest challenge factor.

Island Quest Reward Changes

All rewards should be equally valuable across all game stages to prevent cherry-picking of quests.

The following table shows old and new reward types and their effects for comparison.

Reward Type Reward (old) Reward (new)
Coins of Wisdom/War Item Coins of Wisdom/War

Currency coins of wisdom.png Currency coins of war.png

Coins of Wisdom/War
Currency coins of wisdom.png Currency coins of war.png
Effect  Amount does not scale with world speed.
Amount scales with world speed.
(Maximum multiplier: 4)
Improved Resource Production Item Improved Resource Production
Resource boost wood.png Resource boost stone.png Resource boost iron.png
Improved Resource Production
Resource boost wood.png Resource boost stone.png Resource boost iron.png
Effect Production increased by 50% per effect. Production increased by 250% per item level.
Reduced Construction Time Item Accelerated Construction
Building order boost.png
Efficient Architects (rare, epic)

Rare building order boost.png Epic building order boost.png

Effect 30% reduction in construction time.
Affects construction processes started after activation.
25%/50% reduction for construction time.
Affects construction processes currently running or initiated during effect duration.
Reduced Recruitment Time Item Accelerated Recruitment
Unit order boost.png
Reduced Recruitment Times (rare, epic)
Rare unit order boost.png Epic unit order boost.png
Effect 30% reduction in recruitment time.
Affects recruitment processes started after activation.
25%/50% reduction for recruitment time.
Affects recruitment processes currently running or initiated during effect duration.
Improved Attack Item Improved Attack
Attack boost.png
Improved Attack (rare, epic)
Rare attack boost.png Epic attack boost.png
Effect 10% bonus on attack power. 10/20% bonus on attack power.
Improved Defense Item Improved Defense
Defense boost.png
Improved Defense (rare, epic)
Rare defense boost.png Epic defense boost.png
Effect 5% bonus on defensive power. 5%/10% bonus on defensive power.
Forced Loyalty Item Forced Loyalty
Forced loyalty.png
Effect available No longer exist
(no use with Battle point villages)

Any of the shown effects with rare or epic versions can no longer be stacked with their regular counterparts. Upon activation of a more powerful effect (normal < rare < epic) players are prompted to confirm that the existing effect will be overridden with a more powerful one.

Apart from the effects shown, this also applies to select other effects that cannot be obtained through island quests: Heightened Senses and Divine senses, Improved resource production (rare, epic) and Improved favor production (rare, epic).

Other Adjustments

Along with the aforementioned changes to difficulty levels and rewards, additional adjustments have been made to the user interface, some of the quest objectives and specifically the negative effects that can be activated as quest objectives.

Quest Objectives

The following objectives for agressive and peaceful paths have been adjusted:

Objective Area of change Old New
Rally Troops Unit types to dispatch Regular units Regular units, mythical units
Number of required units Fixed number of units Fixed population number
Attacking units Number of units to defeat Fixed value (by difficulty) Depending on world speed (Speed^0.8)
Loot distribution First player to attack receives most loot Same loot distribution for all players
Defending against units Number of units to defend against Fixed value (by difficulty) Depending on world speed (Speed^0.8)
Wait Time to pass 5 minutes - 9 hours 4-16 hours

Tasks asking players to bear a negative effect have been adjusted to have more of an impact for resource productions and less of an impact on attack and defenses.

Negative effect Old values New values
Wood production penalty.png -10% -50%
Stone production penalty.png -10% -50%
Iron production penalty.png -10% -50%
Attack penalty.png -30% -20%
Defense penalty.png -30% -10%

Furthermore it is no longer possible to have the following quest objectives appear within the same quest: Attack and Rally Troops. This is to ensure that cities focused on the recruitment of ships always have at least one option to choose for an island quests. Attack and defense objectives are still possible at the same time as defense can be mastered by sending supporting units from other islands.

Quest Appearance & Limits

The cooldown times of island quests have been adjusted. Depending on your progression in the game, a new island quest may appear every 2, 4, 8 or 12 hours. Furthermore mechanics have been adjusted so that there is always at least 1 quest available if you have been absent for more than 24 hours.

The maximum amount of available island quests has been reduced from 10 to 6. Additionally only 3 island quests can be accepted at a time, instead of 4.

User Interface

Island quests are now displayed in the quest log, making them available at a glance.

Consequently, open quests are no longer displayed at the right hand side of the screen.