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Med 2.0 kom der et helt nyt plyndringssystem i Grepolis. Dette nye system er en stor forbedring i forhold til det gamle system, hvilket går plyndring meget nemmere og meget mere sjovt, end det nogensinde var før.

Hvad er plyndring?

Plyndring er i sin enkle form at tage råstoffer fra plyndringsbyerne. Før 2.0 skulle dette gøres ved at sende angreb til disse byer, for derefter at indsamle byttet og transportere det tilbage til din egen by.

I 2.0 kan dette gøres med et tryk!

Noter venligst, at der er en begrænsning til antallet af råstoffer, der kan kræves om dagen. Dette tal er 13.5k af hvert råstof.

Plyndring i 2.0

Til start har alle spillere 1 plyndringsby hver. Denne plyndringsby kan plyndres for råstoffer, du kan anmode om råstoffer eller udvide den for flere råstoffer. Men i modsætning til det gamle system, kræver plyndringen ikke enheder. Plyndringsystemet kræver også elementer af samarbejde for at udvide og opgrader plyndringsbyen.

Plyndring i 2.0 er så nemt som at trykke på en knap. Når du har valgt din mængde råstoffer, du vil have, bliver du nødt til at vente til plyndringsbyen har samlet sine råstoffer tilbage igen, hvilket vil tage et stykke tid, afhængigt af din anmodning eller dit krav. Du kan ikke sende anmodninger eller kræve råstoffer før tiden er gået. Noter venligst at, det viste antal råstoffer ikke er den totale mængde råstoffer, du modtager, men er det antal af hver råstof, du modtager. Hvis tilbudet siger "24 råstoffer" betyder dette 24 træ, 24 sten og 24 sølv. Verdenens hastighed har en effekt på det totale antal råstoffer du modtager, ikke tiden, det tager før at du kan anmode om råstoffer igen.

I 2.0 giver Bytte (en akademi teknologi) dig yderligere 4 muligheder for at modtage råstoffer gennem anmodning eller ved at kræve. De nye muligheder giver dig yderligere 2/3 råstoffer udover de originale muligheder. Derfor får du 1 og 2/3 råstoffer, men tager dertil også længere tid, for tilbudene at blive tilgængelige igen.

Anmod råstoffer

Første metode for at få råstoffer fra en plyndringsby er ved at kræve dem. Dette giver dig en reduceret mængde råstoffer, men har ingen effekt på humøret.

Dette kan gøres ved at trykke på din plyndringsby (den med det grønne flag), vælg anmod og vælg da den ønskede mængde (husk, at du modtager dette af hver råstof). Du modtager dette øjeblikkeligt. Du skal derefter vente et givent antal tid, før du kan anmode eller plyndre igen, fra samme plyndringsby.

  1. Plyndringsbyens nuværende humør. Anmodninger har ingen effekt på dette.
  2. Det nuværende niveau på plyndringsbyen. (1 er standard, 6 er det højeste niveau)
  3. Tid indtil du kan anmode/plyndre igen. Ved dette screenshot er spillere klar til at anmode/plyndre byen. Tiden er unik til hver plyndringsby.
  4. Antallet af hvert råstof*, som du modtager ved hvert tilbud.
  5. Tiden du skal vente mellem hver anmodning/plyndring.
  6. Du modtager dine råstoffer, ved at trykke på denne knap.

(*) screenshot tager ved speed 2.

Mængden af hver råstof, du modtager, afhænger af plyndringsbyens niveau og om du har Bytte udforsket, hvilket vil give dobbelt så meget tid, hvor du skal vente til at kunne anmode/plyndre igen.

5 minutter (10 minutter) 20 minutter (40 minutter) 120 minutter (240 minutter) 300 minutter (600 minutter)
PB niveau 1 10 (20)Res.png 20 (40)Res.png 60 (120)Res.png 80 (160)Res.png
PB niveau 2 12 (24)Res.png 24 (48)Res.png 72 (144)Res.png 96 (192)Res.png
PB niveau 3 14 (28)Res.png 28 (56)Res.png 84 (168)Res.png 112 (224)Res.png
PB niveau 4 16 (32)Res.png 32 (64)Res.png 96 (192)Res.png 128 (256)Res.png
PB niveau 5 18 (36)Res.png 36 (72)Res.png 108 (216)Res.png 144 (288)Res.png
PB niveau 6 20 (40)Res.png 40 (80)Res.png 120 (240)Res.png 160 (320)Res.png
Råstoffer modtaget af hver type (med bytte).

Noter venligst, at tabellen foroven er taget ved hastighed 1.

Looting Resources

Looting is the other way you can gain resources from farming villages. You gain more resources by looting for the same amount of time, but it will lower the mood of that farming village. The consequence of low mood is revolt.

Looting is done like demanding, though you use the looting tab instead. Remember that you will receive the depicted amount of each resource, as well as world speed effects the amount of resources you get, not the time you have to wait. For example, below is a screenshot of looting at speed 2.

  1. The farming villages current mood. This is affected when looting and the lower the mood, the higher the risk of revolt
  2. The current farming village level. (1 is the default, 6 is the highest level)
  3. Time until you're able to loot/demand again. In this screenshot, the player is ready to demand/loot again. This time is unique to the farming village.
  4. The amount of each resource* you'll receive if you take this offer.
  5. The time you'll have to wait until you can loot/demand again if you take this offer
  6. The decrease of mood the village will have if you choose this offer. The lower the mood, the higher the risk of revolt
  7. You can loot this amount with this button, with the resources being delivered instantly.

The amount of each resource you'll receive (again) varies upon the farming village level and whether or not you have Booty researched, which doubles the amount of time you have to wait but also doubles the resource output. If you loot whilst the mood is low, you run the risk of revolt. The mood of a farming village goes up by 1% per hour (on speed 1).

5 minutes (10 minutes) 20 minutes (40 minutes) 120 minutes (240 minutes) 300 minutes (600 minutes)
FV Lvl 1 20 (40)Res.png 40 (80)Res.png 120 (240)Res.png 160 (320)Res.png
FV Lvl 2 24 (48)Res.png 48 (96)Res.png 144 (288)Res.png 192 (384)Res.png
FV Lvl 3 28 (56)Res.png 56 (102)Res.png 168 (336)Res.png 224 (448)Res.png
FV Lvl 4 32 (64)Res.png 64 (128)Res.png 192 (384)Res.png 256 (512)Res.png
FV Lvl 5 36 (72)Res.png 72 (144)Res.png 216 (432)Res.png 288 (576)Res.png
FV Lvl 6 40 (80)Res.png 80 (160)Res.png 240 (480)Res.png 320 (640)Res.png
Key: Resources received of each type (with booty).

Note: This table is made for speed 1. If you wish to find out how many resources you will get on speed 2/3, please multiply the resources by the world speed. FV Lvl denotes Farming Village Level and the figure in brackets denotes with booty.


If your farming village's mood dips too low, it could go into revolt, meaning you will lose control of it. To regain control of the farming village, you will need to re-conquer the village by beating a randomly generated amount of Hoplites, Swordsmen and Archers.

Mood increases by 1% per hour. Because control of the farms is dependent on the mood of the village, you should take care to not farm when the mood is below a certain threshold which is below 80% (or 64% with Diplomacy). The mood of the village can drop to below these percentages, and even below zero. Farming, whether demanding or looting, should not be done below those levels. Note that mood is also unique to the player.

Demand Troops

You can also demand troops via the units tab from farming villages that are level 3 or higher. Similar to looting, you'll gain a certain amount of units, but in return you'll have to wait until you can demand/loot again, as well as the farming village's mood taking a considerable decrease. If the farming village's mood is too low, it will go into revolt.



Like in version 1.26, you'll be able to trade with farming villages. Please see trade.


Farming villages can be expanded, to improve their resource output. This is vital in order to haul larger loads and grow faster.


To expand the farming village, you'll need to contribute a certain amount of resources to it. However, the farming village expansion level is the same for every member on your island, meaning that you can work with others on your island to upgrade and expand your farming villages. You can contribute your resources via the farming village's expansion tab.

Amount of resources (sum) required for expansion
Upgrade Sum of resources required.
Level 1 to Level 2 1,200 resources
Level 2 to Level 3 4,800 resources
Level 3 to Level 4 19,200 resources
Level 4 to Level 5 72,000 resources
Level 5 to Level 6 150,000 resources

Conquering Farming Villages

In Grepolis, you'll always start with 1 farming village. In order to use the other farming villages, you must conquer them by defeating the minimal amount of resistance they may have. You must also have enough units in your city # (indicated by a blue bar). Farming villages you do not own are denoted by a red flag.

Amount of resistance you may encounter
Farming Village Number (Your) Units in Village Units Required #
1st Automatically given at start None
2nd 1 Slinger 5
3rd 3 Archers 10
4th 60 Slingers 40
5th 60 Swordsmen 100
6th 100 Archers 300
7th 300 Slingers, 80 Hoplites and 80 Horsemen 600
8th 150 Swords, 150 Archers and 75 Hoplites with a Level 20 Wall 1000

# This is not the amount needed to beat the defense, but rather a minimum limit. You must have this amount of troops in your polis to conquer another farming village.

Please note that farming villages are unique to the player, meaning that you won't be conquering others farming villages. Enemies may be feeding of the same farming village as you.