Kamppoints Landsbyer
Battle Point Villages allow you to collect troops and resources on your islands to progress your empire. There are 6 available ruins for you to take on an island (you do not start with any). Once you buy the ruin with battle points it will turn into a Battle Point Village and you will be able to collect resources and different types of troops.
Summary of the New System
With the new battle point villages and the bandits camp we want to improve the early game phase in order to keep more players in the game and motivate them to come back on the following days. To achieve this we simplified the usability of the old farming villages, and reduced their complexity. We want to offer you more possibilities to fight during the first days on a new world. As a result, we have integrated a new feature on the island of your first city, the Bandits Camp. It will contain a total of 100 PvE fights. As a new player it’s important to perform several PvE fights in order to understand how the battle system works, and to figure out the pros and cons of the different units. This will allow you to be better prepared as your beginner's protection wears off.
Comparison Chart
Feature | Old System | New System |
Number of villages per island | 8 | 6 |
Number of farming villages that you start with | 1 | 0 |
Color of the flag - not in your possession (ruin) | Red | Grey |
Color of the flag - owned by you | Green | Yellow |
Looting | Yes | No |
Happiness | Yes | No |
Cooperative upgrading | Yes | No |
Number of upgrade levels | 6 | 6 |
Ability to cycle through farm villages | No | Yes |
Costs for upgrading a farm to a next level | Resources | Battle Points |
Time for upgrading a farm | Instant | Delayed
Farming Village is still usable while upgrading |
Requirements for upgrading a farm | None | You need enough battle points |
Unlocking new farming villages | Killing Units | Spending battle points |
Max. options for demanding resources | 8 | 4 |
Diplomacy technology +
Booty technology |
Both technologies have been combined to one technology:
Amount of Resources per Demand | Speed 1 / farming level 1:
The previous values will be increased by 25% |
Requesting units has influence on the daily capacity | Yes | No as long as the village is ready |
Obtaining Battle Point Villages
In order to obtain a battle point village you will need to spend your battle points. Once you have the required battle points available, you can click on the ruin and build your village. After clicking the build button the village will immediately be built to level 1.
Below is a table with the associated costs:
Number of Villages | Cost (in battle points) |
1 | 2 |
2 | 8 |
3 | 10 |
4 | 30 |
5 | 50 |
6+ | 100 |
Once you unlock your sixth village the cost to build a village will be 100 battle points. This number will not reset and counts for all of your cities.
Village Symbols
Village Status | Graphic | Tooltip |
Not In Your Possession
(ruin) |
In Your Possession
(ready to farm) |
In Your Possession
(cooldown after collection) |
In Your Possession
(cooldown after upgrading) |
Obtaining Troops and Resources
Since you will only be able to obtain 6 villages instead of 8 like the old system, we have increased the amount of resources by 25%. Each time you demand resources it is subtracted from the daily total (which is dependent on the level of the village). Additionally, if you demand resources you will not be able to demand troops until the cool down period has ended.
Den totale daglige grænse
Landsby level | Gammel daglig grænse | Ny daglig grænse | |
1 | 6250 | 1000 | |
2 | 7500 | 2000 | |
3 | 8750 | 3000 | |
4 | 10000 | 4000 | |
5 | 11250 | 5000 | |
6 | 12500 | 6000 | |
Nye værdier ganges med verdens hastighed. |
Indsamling af Råstoffer
Du vil have flere forskellige indsamlings muligheder at vælge imellem, fra 5 minutter til 8 timer. For at få adgang til de forskellige muligheder skal du opgraderer dit lager fornuftigt:
Muligheder | Lager Level |
1 | 1 |
2 | 5 |
3 | 7 |
4 | 10 |
Følgende muligheder er tilgængelig når du har et passende lager level:
Landsby Level | 5 Minutter Nedkøling | 20 Minutter Nedkøling | 90 Minutter Nedkøling | 4 Timer Nedkøling | |
1 | 12 | 29 | 64 | 125 | |
2 | 15 | 34 | 75 | 145 | |
3 | 17 | 39 | 85 | 166 | |
4 | 20 | 44 | 95 | 187 | |
5 | 22 | 49 | 106 | 208 | |
6 | 25 | 54 | 116 | 229 |
Herudover, vil du have mulighed for at udforske teknologien "Landsbyernes Loyalitet" for nogle andre tider:
Landsby Level | 10 Minutter Nedkøling | 40 Minutter Nedkøling | 3 Timer Nedkøling | 8 Timer Nedkøling | |
1 | 25 | 62 | 137 | 268 | |
2 | 32 | 73 | 161 | 311 | |
3 | 36 | 83 | 182 | 356 | |
4 | 43 | 94 | 204 | 402 | |
5 | 47 | 105 | 227 | 447 | |
6 | 53 | 116 | 249 | 492 |
Indsamling af Enheder
Indsamling af enheder tæller ikke længere med i den daglige grænse når du henter dem i kamppoints landsbyer. Dog har de en nedkølings tid ligesom når du henter råstoffer. Nedenunder er en tabel med tiderne:
Landsby Level | Sværdmænd | Slynger | Buer | Hopliter | |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | |
3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | |
4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | |
5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | |
6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
For at frigøre enhederne ovenover bliver du nød til at øge din bondegårds level. Hver enheds mulighed kræver et minimum`s bondegårds level før du kan indsamle den enhed.
Mulighed | Krav |
1 | Bondegård level 5 |
2 | Bondegård level 7 |
3 | Bondegård level 10 |
4 | Bondegård level 15 |
Du vil have mulighed for at handle med kamppoints landsbyerne med en maksimum ratio på 1,7. Du kan mindst handle med 100 råstoffer og maksimum er 2000.
Når du handler med kamppoints landsbyer vil ratioen droppe. Over tid vil den blive genoprettet med en rate på 0,02 per time * verdens hastighed.
Landsby gennemgang
Det er nu muligt at gå igennem dine kamppoints landsbyer for at farme ressourcer. Du kan gøre det ved at klikke på pilene som vist på billedet.
Med introduktionen af Kamppoints landsbyer vil der være en ny teknologi som du kan udforske Landsbyernes Loyalitet som vil øge mængden af ressourcer du modtager med 115%.