Grepolis United
Den første offentlige version af Grepolis blev udgivet i 2009. Over denne periode, på mere end 3 år, er Grepolis blevet en af de mest succesfulde browserspil, med mere end 18 millioner registrerede spillere verden over, og dette er alt sammen jeres fortjeneste - vores fantastiske og støttende spillere!
Vi ved alle at vi har haft vores op- og nedture, og det er der er altid plads til forbedringer. Det er derfor vi ønsker at være tæt på jer - som essensen af vores spil - for at forbedre Grepolis endnu mere. Det er på tide, at tage jeres deltagelse til det næste niveau!
Hvad er "Grepolis United"?
"Grepolis United" er et koncept til at forbinde Grepolis, som et projekt, tættere på spillerne og omvendt. I er vores mest værdifulde informationskilde vi har, til forbedringer af Grepolis. Vi vil være sikre på, at vi har styr på ethvert aspekt af spillet, så i kan lide det. For at opnå dette ønsker vi at være mere åbne, dele informationer forud, fokusere meget på jeres feedback omkring ændringer og nye funktioner og involvere jer i udviklingsprocessen, så meget som vi kan.
How will this concept be put into praxis?
We have planned several ways to get closer to you and also to get you closer to us and our development process. We are currently organizing many small projects that complement “Grepolis United” in their own way. Some of these you can find below.
A public roadmap will easily show you the bigger changes and new features we have planned for the upcoming months. While this list will not be definite and remains subject to change, it still provides valuable information for you to know what we are currently working on.
Developers Blog
We really want you to know what we are currently working on and how we develop Grepolis. In the Developers Blog game designers and developers will give regular insights about their work on this project. This will be a frequent flow of information coming your way.
More Transparency
The two-way communication between community and development team has to be improved. We want to be as transparent as possible by giving you information in advance, let you participate in open feedback talks and releasing our own internal policy about the development of Grepolis. Your feedback is always welcome and we want to make sure that you can see how we process it.
Public Beta Test
It is your chance to make the difference by testing updates before they go live. Two sets of eyes see more than just one, and a couple of thousand see even more than that! With an upcoming big update we will restart the beta server again and hopefully a lot of you will join us in testing new features and upcoming changes here.
Images say more than a thousand words. How about combining images and words? We are planning to keep you updated with interviews from our developers and game designers directly here at InnoGames to provide detailed insights into new features and our current development process. We don't know how frequently we can release new videocasts just yet, but they will come from time to time.
Public Event Calendar
Having regular events in Grepolis is a goal we have always followed. We want to upgrade this system by implementing an event calendar with a structured schedule of when the next events will start and end, so you can easily see what is going on in Grepolis.
We have big goals for your favorite game and with your help we will achieve them. Let us unite to build a prosperous future for Grepolis!
The Roadmap of changes that will be happening in the future can be found here
The videocasts can be found here.
The grepolis devblog can be found here.
Information on the rebalancing to the game that will occur can be found here.
Monthly Voting
Information on the monthly voting that will take place can be found here.