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Your village's resources are stored in the Warehouse. The higher the level of the Warehouse, the more resources you may store.


The Warehouse in your village may store a certain amount of resources. These resources can be recalled for use in buildings, units and more whenever you wish. The higher the level of the Warehouse, the more resources you may keep at one time.

Each Warehouse level allows you to store a certain amount of each resource. This can be found out by clicking on the Warehouse or by scrolling over the resources at the top. Each Warehouse also has a hidden chamber, where if you get attacked, a certain amount of resources you have isn't loot-able by the enemy player. The higher the level of your Warehouse, the more resources are hidden and "unstealable".

Certain researches (Ceramics) improve the amount of resources you can store. When you've got full resources and your Warehouse cannot store anymore of a particular resource, the number of that resource you have turns red. A quick way of finding out how much Warehouse space you have left for a certain resource is by looking at the C surrounding the resource.


The Warehouse is available from the beginning of the game. When Colonising, the Warehouse starts at level 10.

Building Levels

The maximum level of the Warehouse is 30. The Warehouse's appearance changes depending on the level of the Warehouse.

Level 1 - 9 Level 10 - 19 Level 20 - 30
Warehouse1.png Warehouse2.png Warehouse3.png

The Warehouse is the main factor is deciding how many resources your polis may hold. However, Ceramics will allow you to store an extra 2500 of each resource. This is not shown on the table.

Level Wood.png Stone.png Silver.png Pop.png Building Time*

(with Senate level 1)

Capacity Hidden Points
1 - - - - - 300 100 15
2 100 158 47 - 0:42:28 711 200 2
3 186 292 93 - 1:13:30 1185 300 2
4 288 452 150 - 1:50:24 1706 400 3
5 404 635 217 - 2:33:34 2267 500 3
6 533 838 294 - 3:22:30 2862 600 4
7 674 1059 379 - 4:22:18 3487 700 4
8 826 1297 473 - 5:30:28 4140 800 5
9 987 1552 576 - 6:50:12 4818 900 5
10 1159 1821 686 - Unknown 5518 1000 6
11 1340 2105 803 - 9:20:24 6241 1100 7
12 1529 2403 928 - 10:31:08 6984 1200 8
13 1727 2714 1060 - 11:36:28 7746 1300 9
14 1933 3037 1199 - 12:42:54 8526 1400 10
15 2146 3373 1344 - 13:50:28 9324 1500 12
16 2368 3721 1496 - 15:49:04 10138 1600 13
17 2596 4080 1654 - 16:08:46 10969 1700 15
18 2832 4450 1819 - 17:19:18 11815 1900 17
19 3074 4831 1990 - 18:30:50 12675 1900 20
20 3324 5223 2167 - 19:43:10 13550 2000 22
21 3580 5625 2349 - 20:56:22 14439 2100 25
22 3842 6037 2538 - 22:10:16 15341 2200 29
23 4110 6459 2735 - 23:25:02 16257 2300 33
24 4385 6891 2933 - 24:40:32 17185 2400 38
25 4666 7332 3138 - 25:56:52 18125 2500 43
26 4953 7783 3349 - 27:13:46 19077 2600 49
27 5245 8242 3566 - 28:31:22 20041 2700 56
28 5543 8710 3788 - 29:49:42 21016 2800 64
29 5847 9188 4015 - 31:08:36 22003 2900 73
30 6156 9674 4247 - 32:28:10 23000 3000 83
*This table contains values for speed 1, Senate 1 with no Technologies. If you are on a faster world,

divide the time by your world speed. If you have a certain research, apply the technologies' ability to this table.