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Guld Handel

I stedet for at halvere den tilbageværende byggetid, (bygninger, forskninger, eller rekrutteringer af enheder), vil det nu være muligt at afslutte straks med 1 klik. Guld prisen vil afhænge af den tilbageværende byggetid og verdens hastighed. Men generelt vil en længere byggetid betyde at det bliver dyrere. Hvis den resterende byggetid eller forskning er under 5 minutter, kan du afslutte den gratis straks. Dette gælder ikke for enheder.

List med Premium funktioner, der vil ændres fra "halvering af byggetid" til "Straks køb"

Funktioner Ny Straks købs funktion
Bygninger: Byggetids reducering Straks færdiggørelse af bygning
Teknologier: Forsknings tids reducering Straks færdiggørelse af forsknings ordrer
Enheder: Rekrutteringstid reduceret Straks færdiggørelse af rekrutterings ordre(Deaktiveret de sidste 5 minutter ved et indkommende angreb)
Helte: Healing tids reducering Straks færdiggørelse af healings processen (Deaktiveret de sidste 5 minutter ved indkommende angreb)


Every building that is in the queue, can be instantly completed if the building requirements are fulfilled. Exceptions:

  • Instant buy is not possible, if a building needs dependencies from a building that is currently in the queue or if another construction order for this building is at a prior slot.

Additional layout changes to the queues: Level changes of a building will now be displayed in green or red above the building image.

Graphic Description
IB level up.png A green arrow pointing upwards indicates that the building is currently upgrading.
IB level down.png If the arrow is red and points downwards, the building is demolishing a level.

Every item in the queue can be instantly completed. You just need to hover over the corresponding item and click on the button in the tooltip. Instant buy also works for demolishing buildings.

IB build.png


Every unit order can be completed instantly. The whole package of units that is in this slot will be instantly completed.


  • The feature will be disabled in the last 5 minutes of an incoming attack. The feature is only in the town disabled that gets attacked.

IB units.png


Every research that is in the queue, can be instantly completed. Within the last 5 minutes you can complete the research order for free.

IB research.png


If a hero is injured you can heal the hero instantly. This will work in the same way like for units. The feature will be disabled if an attack arrives in the corresponding town within the next 5 minutes.

Free usage of instant buy

Every "instant buy" feature becomes free if the construction time goes below 5 minutes. This will work for upgrading/demolishing buildings and researching in the academy, but not for recruiting units and healing heroes.

Price calculation

With the new price calculation, the price of an item will change after reaching certain thresholds (price decreases with elapsing time). Before determining the price of an item, the time will be multiplied by the game speed.