Guide Portal Guide 18: Forskelle mellem versioner

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=Note fra forfatteren=

Denne guide går ud på at forklare hvordan du kommer bedst fra start til en ny server. Jeg vil lave flere guides som omfatter hvordan du spiller spillet, og hvor rutineret du er. Denne guide tager udgangspunkt i du er helt nybegynder til spillet og spillespil er balanceret (både deffensiv og offensiv)
''(Guiden tager udgangspunkt i du spiller på en oprørs server. Ting kan variere fra oprør til erobring.)''

Denne guide er meget lang, men værd at læse. Den antagaer at du har viden om hvordan [[Kampsystem|Kampsystemet]] virker.

==Dag 1:==

Den bedste måde at starte sin by op på, er at følge dine ingame missioner du får vidst til højre i skærmen. De findes under denne:

I Grepolis kan ingen spiller opnå meget på egen hånd. Du kan aldrig vinde over alle dine fjender alene, selvom du kun er holdt tilbage på grund af tilgængelig plads til nye byer. Så længe at fjenden er stærk nok, så vil du aldrig være i stand til at forsvare dig selv alene. Så snart du har en gruppe spillere der ved dette og er villige til at agere som en helhed, så kan i begynde at spille som en alliance. Dette er hvor krig bliver interessant... og en smule mere kompliceret. Denne guide vil forklare, hvordan du håndterer krig på stor skala og erobringer med mange spillere involveret og den vil tage dig igennem alle de små fine detaljer om forsvar og angreb.


Denne guide vil have nogle elementer der kun er relevante for verdener med erobring.
Alle specifikke tider der bliver nævnt er baseret på en verdenshastighed 2.

De giver dig et godt udgangspunkt i form af hvordan din by bygges op, og du vil have lettere ved at få råstoffer.
Sideløbende vil du opleve du skal klare nogle angreb hos banditlejren, dette er måden du i starten samler kamppoint. Kamppoint bruges blandt andet til kultur point (300 kamppoint aka KP pr kultur) Derudover bruges de også til at erobre landsbyer på din ø. pr landsby du erobre, jo dyrere bliver den næste. Det er derfor vigtigt at gemme KP til dine landsbyerne i starten, da de er din hovedindtægt til råstoffer.
Alt efter spillestil og serverhastighed, vil jeg anbefale i få alle landsbyer og lvl dem op i minimum 3-4 i starten. Du kan sagtens gå længere op men kommer an på din spillestil, som jeg vil komme ind på lidt senere.
Efter dag 1 burde du have en by der ser nogenlunde sådan her ud: 

[[Fil:Guide_Portal_18_20_21_01_A.png|center|700 px|link=]]

Når du forsvarer, så skulle du have fordelen ved at være i stand til at "stacke" dine enheder og få en fordel i antal. Hvis 2000 slyngekastere angriber et forsvar med 500 sværdkæmpere og 500 bueskytter, forsvaret vil ikke være særlig effektivt. Hvis forsvarer havde ti gange det antal enheder (det er 5000 sværdkæmpere og 5000 bueskyttere), de vil være 45% mere effektivt. Hvis du nu tager i betragtning at forsvaren allerede har en bymur og tårn, hvilket, når fuldt udbygget vil give 151,9% forsvars bonus mod angrebet, dette betyder at du ikke behøver bekæmpe flere defensive tropper end du er nød til.<br/>
Grunden til at positionering af byer er så vigtigt er at når du kæmper mod andre alliancer, så er det at du ikke vil give dem chancen for at "stacke" deres forsvar i byerne. På grund af dette, så er det en god ide at have en by på øen, hvor dit mål er, som du kan sende fra. Siden koloniskibe er langsomme, dine rydde angreb og støtte skulle være i stand til at nå byen i tiden, selv andre byer er længere væk. Når to alliancer går i krig, vil de næsten altid ende op med en eller to store fronter mod hinanden, med ingen eller minimal mix af byer på hver side af disse fronter. Hvis du har byer midt blandt fjendens byer, de vil højst tænkeligt have flere byer, der vil være i stand til at nå hinanden end du har byer der kan sende forsvar i tide. Således bliver byer midt i et fjendtligt område enten hurtigt erobreret eller de vil tage mange kræfter og enheder at forsvare.
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Normalt, hvad du bør gøre er ikke kun at få alliancens byer på et begrænset område, men også få dem på samme ø, så vidt som muligt. Hvis i er i stand til at samle jeres byer og dække et mindre område med flere af alliancens byer, så kan i samarbejde mere effektivt. Distancen mellem øerne er måske ikke meget, men hvis i ikke samler jeres byer tæt, så kan i risikere at være spredt over dobbelt så stort område og det vil højst tænkeligt betyde at hvis du bliver angrebet i den ene ende så har i for langt til at kunne nå frem med forsvar. En anden fordel ved at have flere byer på samme ø, er hvor hurtigt du kan nå frem for at hjælpe hinanden, skulle en af dem blive angrebet. Hvis en by er under erobring, så kan byer på øen komme udenom forsvarende skibe i havnen og gå direkte til at prøve at tage forsvarende landtropper ud og derved stoppe erobringen. Det går uden at sige at hver spiller bør ikke have mere end 1 by pr ø (siden man kun kan hente ressourcer i landsbyerne fra en by ), så hvis det skulle ske at en spiller har flere byer, så bør den overdrages til et alliance medlem.
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Gennerelt bør man have de offensive byer i fronten og de defensive byer lige bag dem. Hvis nogle defensive byer er meget langt fra fronten, så kan du sende deres tropper i forvejen til de byer der er mest udsatte. Når man er oppe imod en meget stor, stærk og aktiv alliance, så kan det være meget hårdt at tage byer hvis dit koloniskib har en rejsetid over 3 timer. Det du kan gøre er at få nogle byer på den samme ø som modstands alliancen. Du kan kolonisere, hvis nødvendigt og vente de par uger det tager at bygge op. Så kan du sende fra denne by. Angreb og støtte vil højst tænkeligt tage længere end koloniskibet at nå frem, så disse skulle sendes på forhånd, siden du vil være i stand til at starte en overtagelse på noget mellem 1 og 1.5 time, og du har kun brug for nok birems for at holde din erobring.
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For at få et ordentligt overblik over Positionering, [ Grepolis Maps](hvis du kigger i adresselinjen når du er inde i spillet så står der dkXX det nummer der står efter dk er det server nummer du skal vælge når du skal se oversigtskortet.) er yderst hjælpsom. Det kan nemt vise dig hvor de forskellige alliancer har deres byer:
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Det kan variere fra spiller til spiller, alt efter hvor dit fokus ligger. Nogle vægter senat højere hvor andre vægter minerne højere (skovhugger, stenbrud og sølvmine) så alt efter smag. Som ny spiller vil jeg anbefale at få minerne op, medmindre du ved du vil være meget på og farme råstoffer via landsbyerne.

==Dag 2:==


Ofte er der mange elementer der skal involveres i en succesfuld erobring. Du har brug for planlægning, koordination og du skal være forberedt alle tricks, som forsvaren kan finde på. Hvis du er meget ny til at angribe og vil have en smule mere information så bør du læse min "raiding guide" (intet link til denne endnu.)
Dag 2 kan være en af de lidt mere kedelige dage da du her skal begynde at fokusere mere på hvilken vej du skal gå. Samt byggeriet tager længere tid. I denne guide tager vi udgangspunkt i en balanceret spillestil, så fokus vil være på både off og deff. Som nybegynder vil jeg ikke anbefale man begynder allerede at gå efter by nummer 2. Men mere at få fokus over sin hovedby og få den til at kunne modstå evt angreb så snart begynderbeskyttelse er ovre. 
Derfor vil jeg anbefale at nye spillere fokusere at få [[Bymur|'''muren''']] op i minimum lvl 15, derudover at få [[Senat|'''senat''']] lvl 21 og [[Hule|'''hule''']] lvl 10. Et andet godt tip ville være at få [[Akademi|'''akademi''']] i lvl 13 for at forske [[Akademi_Oprør|arkitektur og byggekran.]]
Byen kunne evt. se sådanne ud:

[[Fil:Guide_Portal_18_20_21_02_A.png|center|700 px|link=]]

Når du går efter en fjendtlig by, så er det anbefalet at du har en plan på forhånd. Meget få alliancer har så aktive og ressourcefulde medlemmer at du kan poste en ankomst tid for dit koloniskib og forvente der kommer en masse angreb foran til at rydde fyen og forsvar til at lande efter koloniskib(erobring). Fordelen ved at angribe uden en plan, ville være at det ikke giver nogle evt. spioner i alliancen mulighed for at videregive information til fjenden.
==Dag 3-5:==
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For at kunne lave en ordentlig plan og koordinere den, så er det vigtigt at alliancen er enige om en bestemt tidszone og alle medlemmer bruger samme instilling for tidszone. Når dette er gjort, så skulle du være i stand til at sætte en bestemt tid og se hvor mange der kan slutte sig til på det tidspunkt. Sætte en tid, giver alle mulighed for at bygge op til angrebet og have fuld gunst hos guderne og fuld befolkning i deres angrebs byer. du skal også sikre dig at i har nok tropper så det ikke kun er angreb med almindelige tropper med fyrskib escorte men også fyrskibs nuke (nuke= angreb der består af en stor mængde angrebsenheder), som kan lande før alle angreb med de almindelige tropper og deres fyrskibs escorte, så de bryder alle bir hjælp der kan komme til byen før disse lander. Ligeledes skal du ikke kun være i stand til at sætte en erobring i gang men også have nok tropper og birem til at lande efter koloniskibet for at beskytte det, i tilfælde af at den fjendtlige alliance prøver at bryde erobringen (erobring).
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Spionere før et angreb kan være en smule udfordrende. Det kan være en fordel at vide præcis hvad der står i byen, før du angriber den, men ofte er det ikke specielt nødvendigt for angrebs aktioner af stor skala. Der er kun få grunde til du vil vide hvad der står i byen. Det ville være hjælpsomt, hvis du er i tvivl om i har nok offensive tropper. hvis du sender et angreb til at rydde samtidig med du sender koloniskib (til at dræbe enheder tidligt for at undgå de er der til at snipe dit koloniskib senere),  hvis du ved hvad der muligvis er til at forsvare byen så får du en ide om hvor meget du skal sende for at komme igennem.
Hvad du bør gøre er at samle så meget information om fjendtlige byer som muligt. Så snart du har set hvad der er i byerne når de sender angreb eller støtte, så har du en god ide om hvor meget forsvar de kan stille. hvis du spionerer, så vil jeg foreslå at du gør det noget tid før erobring så det ikke afslører dine intentioner, hvis målbyen har meget sølv i hulen(hvilket den sikkert har). Hvis byen er spioneret nogle gange, så vil nogle spillere måske handle for at forebygge du kommer igennem, hvis intet sker så lader de sikkert ting gå tilbage til normal.  et land angreb fra samme ø kan også være et alternativ til angreb, og afsløre om der er et stort antal birem og transportskibe i havnen.

Disse dage går det ud på at udvide din by yderligere. Plus derudover at finde ud af hvad din by skal have fokus på. Her tænker jeg at du skal overveje hvordan din spiller stil skal være, skal du være offensiv eller defensiv. Hvis vi tager den defensive del, så skal du fokusere på at få bygget nogle deff tropper. Det er primært sværd + buer + hoplit i starten. Find et balanceret tal du mener er nok. Jeg ville nok anbefale for en semi aktiv spiller 300-500 deff tropper, så er du godt stillet mod angreb. På den offensive del kan du begynde at overveje hvilke spillere du vil angribe når de kommer ud af begynderbeskyttelse. Da alle i starten er i beskyttelse er det ikke muligt at spionere. Men du kan altid følge dem i form af deres point hvor aktive de er, deres by størrelse afspejler deres aktivitet + normalt os deres tropper.
Alt efter hvor hurtig og aktiv du er, burde du også kunne begynde og overveje hvilke special bygninger du skal/kan vælge. Jeg vil altid anbefale til en nybegynder at bygge [[Term|'''term''']] + [[Tårn|'''tårn''']]. Term fordi det giver dig mere befolkning = mere deff/off tropper. Tårn fordi det giver dig 10% ekstra deff point, som gør du står stærkere hvis nogen angriber.

Being able to make well-coordinated attacks is the alfa omega of conquest. Basically, what you want to coordinate is the following:
*'''Light ship nukes:''' Light ship nukes should preferably hit first, clearing the city of biremes. If biremes aren't cleared by the time clearing waves arrive, many transports will likely be killed, meaning that many of your offensive land units will die without ever participating in the fights. That said, some light ship nukes should arrive among the clearing waves as you have no idea of what support is arriving at the city when (sometimes bireme support will be timed specifically to snipe your colony ship, whereas, in other cases, all support will just be send in advance). Keep in mind that even if you decide to send your clearing waves as breakthrough-attacks (which is generally not recommend), many transport ships will still die, and you can never conquer a city unless you clear it completely of both ground groops and navy (with the exception being fire ships, which do not fight against the colony ship).
*'''Clearing waves:''' These will basically be offensive land nukes (a city only building offensive land troops). As you would with any attack, you should include a light ship escort (usually 40-50 light ships). These attacks will have to hit between the light ship nukes and the colony ship. You will want them to land as close as possible to the arrival of the colony ship so the colony ship will not fall victim to a defensive snipe (see further down) or support from another city sent to intercept it.
*'''Support:''' You need your support to arrive as soon as possible after the colony ship arrives, to protect from any incoming attacks sent to clear the conquest and to avoid an offensive snipe (see further down).
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To coordinate, you will at least need to know whose units are the furthest out. Normally, it would be preferable that no attacks that participate are slower than the colony ship, but sometimes that cannot be avoided if you lack the necessary firepower close by. If the slowest attack is not the colony ship, the arrival time of the slowest attack should be given to the player launching the colony ship so that it can be timed to arrive after that attack (if you send several attacks before the colony ship, you need to know which of those arrives last). Once the colony ship is launched (time to arrive behind attacks sent before if necessary), its arrival time will be shared so that people can time their attacks and support more specifically. You can see the specific arrival time of an attack by click on its icon in the troop movement overview:

==Dag 5+:==

Something that is extremely important to keep in mind when timing attacks is the anti-timer that has been implemented in Grepolis. It keeps you from being able to precisely time your attacks, adding an element of luck. Every attack you send will suffer a random offset at its departure that can be anything from 0-30 seconds +/-, with the maximum offset varying between worlds. It is crucial that you know what the maximum offset is in the world that you play in. I have done a test in Phi by sending out attacks several hundred times and recalling them. By noting down the difference between projected arrival time and actual arrival time, I have been able to surmise that the maximum offset for Phi is +/- 12 seconds. That means that if I send an attack, it could arrive up to 12 seconds earlier or 12 seconds later. In the above example, the attack is launched in Phi. The colony ship arrives at 7:26:39, so that means that All clearing waves should be sent to arrive at 7:26:26. That means that the latest they could arrive is one second before the colony ship (+12 second offset), while the earliest they would arrive is 25 seconds before (-12 second offset). If you have a lot of offensive troops and know you likely won't need them all, you can try to get the timing closer to the colony ship and simply recalling your attack if it doesn't get the right timing (to avoid it accidentally arriving after the colony ship and attacking your own siege). The same goes for support. In the above example, all support should be sent to arrive at 7:26:52, meaning that none of it has a chance of arriving before your colony ship does. This tool, although it's made for another game, can be useful if you want to calculate when you should be ready to send your attack to have it arrive at a specific time.
Dette er dagen på de fleste danske servere hvor begynder beskyttelsen udløber. Her skal du kunne forvente at flere kunne finde på at angribe dig. På en ny server er det tit folk som tester andre spillere hvor seriøse de er.  
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Derfor er det vigtigt du er mere obs på din mobil eller PC i dag.
If you are quick, one way to get a good timing is to send several times, recalling when you don't get the right timing. So, you might send your first attack 4-5 seconds before the time you want to hit, hoping for a delay. If you don't get it, you recall right away, send again. If the timing still isn't good, you recall once more and resend. Of course, the greater you antitiming offset it, the earlier you can make your first attack, so in worlds where the offset is very big (30 seconds, for instant), you can make more attempts at getting a good timing. If you are attacking with fast transporters and use a single normal transporter for timing, you can try this two times; once with the timing of the normal transporter, once without the normal transporters, with the timing of the fast transporters. Another trick is to send any units that you don't want to send out of your city in advance so that they are stationed in another city. That way you can make use of the 'Select all units' button to select all units easily when you re-send.

===Hvis du bliver angrebet:===

There are some important ground rules for attacks:
Hvis du bliver angrebet er det vigtigt du fokusere på at få sendt dine offensive tropper væk. Det kunne være som hjælp til en naboby eller som hjælp til et alliance medlem. Hvis du er på imens kunne du evt trække dine tropper ud og trækker dem hjem igen så snart angrebet er landet.
*You should always cast as spell on your conquest attack to protect it from spells from the defender. Your colony ship will likely be killed if a Sea Storm is cast on your attack since it takes up a significant part of the population in your attack, therefore being more likely to be hit.
Derudover er det vigtigt at aktivere [[Milits|'''milits''']]. Det er gratis “tropper” fra din by til dit forsvar. De er ikke stærke men kan gøre en forskel som gør du vinder sejren. Du kan også aktivere forsvars boost. f eks forbedret forsvar. Du finder dem inde i dit “inventar”.
*An attack can be recalled within the first ten minutes, so if the defender casts a spell on your attack right away, just recall it. Never recall it if all your alliance-mates have already launched their attacks, though - then you have to go through with it to avoid them being caught in an unfortunate situation. Note that you won't get notified if the defender casts the spell Desire on your attack, but you will be able to see if it has been casted by checking the attack.
*Once your colony ship arrives, always make sure to recall the offensive units that arrive with it (select 'return several units' in agora of the attacking city). You do not want these to defend, so you are better off just recalling them before any attacks arrive to try to break the siege (mind you, you are required to leave one units and one light ship with the siege):


*Mind the "insufficient units" bug. If you have units building in a city where you launch an attack, you might get an error saying "Not enough units in this city". This happens when you keep your attack-window open and a new unit is built in the meantime. So, don't keep your attack-window open for a long time if a unit is about to pop out (you can check unit progress in barrack and harbor).
===Hvis du vil angribe:===
*You should always try to attack at times where your opponent might be sleeping or away at work/education, since these will be the best windows to strike. Always keep in mind to take note of the online times of your opponents. If you need more information, send random attacks to find out when your opponent is online and to keep him or her guessing.
*If you care to make the effort, it is useful to time decoy clearing attack for your colony ship. It have the potential to make the defender waste his spells them and can also confuse the defender about the intention of your attack. At the same time, it can also give a false impression of overwhelming attack power and affect the defender's decision to send support and how to time it. If you have three attacks arriving shortly before the colony ship, a defender who is short on units might recall his support if he is not able to time his support to arrive after those attack, since he does not want to lose small remaining defensive force and assuming that you are sending full attack forces, not decoys.
*Allowing some of your attacks to arrive at the target after your conquest attack arrives can we very useful. Just like when you attack your own cities, the only thing that will happen when you attack your own siege is that you get a message saying that your troops visited during peacetime. However, many defender might assume that the last attack is the conquest attack or think that since more attacks arrive after your conquest attack, it is simply a decoy for one that will be sent later. Additionally, if you have a lot more units in the area than the defender, you will have the chance to kill his support so that he has nothing to defend if you launch another conquest attack. If your conquest attack is killed, your attacks that arrive after the conquest attack will be able to kill the units in the city, which it is unlikely that the defender will be able to remove in time.
*Never include mythical units in the support you send for a siege as it is likely your support will never arrive at the city, since you can only support cities that have the same god as the mythical units.

==Attack composition==
Hvis du vil angribe er det vigtigt du kun angriber med dine offensive tropper. Du vil miste rigtig mange ressourcer, men også tropper hvis du angriber med f eks sværd og buer.
Du kan aktivere boost på dit angreb, det gør du ved efter du har sendt at trykke på angrebet. og gå ind i “magi” også finde den boost du vil smide op.
Du kan også kaste negativ magi på din fjendes by. Du klikker på byen og vælger magi og herfra kan du f eks kaste jordskælv som tager 1-3 levels af muren hos din fjenden. Det gør du mister færre tropper og derfor har større chance for at vinde kampen.

If you follow the [[Guide: Multiple Cities Strategy|multi-city guide]] and specialize your cities, you should be set for a good attack combination, not matter what combination of offensive units you choose. You simply need your attacks to be as big as possible to make sure that the advantage in numbers never falls too far into the defender's advantage. If you spot that the defender has a weakness, for instanace building too many swordsmen, you can adjust your composition to be more effective (for instance, including more sharp attackers, which kill swordsmen more easily). If you have pure nukes, meaning attacking cities that only produce one specific attack type, without mixing the different attacking units, this adjustment becomes easier.
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Mythical units can be excellent to include in your attacks, if you can build up a significant amount. Normally, people will have defenses that are a little weaker against sharp attackers, since chariots and hoplites aren't as effective attacks are slingers and horsemen, with only 14 and 16 attack points per population respectively. However, medusas are sharp attackers and have 24 attack points per population, so they can do quite well against most defenses. Manticores and harpies, both effective attackers, are flying units and do not take up the capacity of your transport ship, so if you build these they will allow you to build up a bigger offensive nuke, with more offensive units and less transport ships. Only build the mythical units if you know that it's unlikely you will need the favor for other things, though.
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Using normal transport ships will allow you to include more offensive units in your attack. Therefore, using normal transport ships in your offensive cities is preferable. Normal transports are slower than fast transport ships, but if you only keep offensive units at the front towards your enemies and convert the ones further away to defensive cities, this will never be a problem. However, if you find that there are several action zones and you have too many offensive cities unable to participate due to not being able to get there in time, you should switch your cities from normal transports to fast transport ships.
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For bigger attacks, I greatly recommend that you send some attacks that arrive at the city early, before any additional support will reach the city. These attacks should be launched at the same time as the colony ship so as to not give the defender any advance notice of the incoming conquest attack. The purpose of these attacks are two-fold: 1) to kill the defending troops so that the defender cannot make a defensive snipe 2) knock down the city walls. If the city wall is fully built, you will typically lose 2-3 times more units than the defenders do when you try to take a city. However, if you send two attacks consisting of, for instance, 1200 slingers and 50 catapults, you can manage to knock down the city walls before your attacks arrive. If you send catapults in clearing waves to arrive just before the colony ship, chances are that too many defensive units have arrived and your catapults will not do much damage to the walls. But even against a maxed out defense in a city, a catapult/sliger nuke can do considerable damage to the city walls. However, once several thousand defensive units have arrived, such an attack would do almost no damange to the city walls. The points is to knock down the wall so that by the time your clearing waves arrive, they can fight without a high level city wall present, yielding much better results.
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You should expect your enemies to be able to get a lot of biremes to defend their cities. It would likely not be too far off to expect every fifth city of theirs to be a bireme city (a city that has 300-350 biremes). At any point in time, it is likely that it will, on average, be at half strengh (say, 150 biremes). Whenever you attack the alliance, it is likely that they will get at third of their biremes to defend the target city. Similar numbers go for the light ships that they will send to break your siege. So, this should give you an idea of what numbers to expect, but an even better measure is your past experience and concrete intel you have on the alliance.

==Fake attacks==
===Ny by:===

At some point alliances and players get so big that their defenses can seem unbreakable. Therefore, decoy attacks become a natural part of any conquest attempt. The idea is that you launch one or several conquest-attack somewhere else to distract from your real attack and draw support there. An alternative version is that you launch conquest-attacks at different times towards the same city, making it impossible for the defender to know which attack to time a defensive snipe against. The defender might try to snipe one of the fake attacks, only to find that it's fake and have his defensive units wiped out by the followign clearing waves. He might also dodge the initial attack, assuming that it's a fake, only to find out that it was the real attack and the following attacks are simply 3-4 light ships.
Derudover er det også her jeg ville begynde og anbefale du kunne rekruttere en ny by. Det kan enten gøres i form af '''kolonisering''' eller '''erobring.'''
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Kolonisering betyder du skal finde et anker på en ø også sende det afsted som kolonisering. Erobring er hvor du tager byer for fjenden. Kort fortalt handler det om at sætte hans by i oprør. Det gør du ved at rydde alle tropper i hans by og hvis du har sendt dine egne tropper som opgør.
The timing of a decoy attack should be such that the defenders will not be able to recall their support and send it to the real attack. It is also crucial that the decoy attack looks exactly like a real one with both clearing waves and support. When you attack, your attack always has to consist of 3% of the total amount of population in units that belongs to that city. So, if the city has a total of 2000 population worth of units, any attack would have to contain at least 60 population worth of units. So, if you send light ships for your fake attacks, which would be a natural choice, you would need to include six in each fake clearing wave, whereas if you have cities with low population, you migth get away with sending just 1-2 light ships. If you usually attack with normal transport ships, you should build a normal transport ship in all the cities that send fake attacks and include them in the attacks so that the attack times will match those your enemy expects (might also make it easier for you to hit the right timing on your attacks, at least giving you two chances to do some; the slower time with transport ships and the faster without). There is no limit to the amount of units you are request to send to launch a support-mission, so I recommend that all fake support waves simply consist of a single normal transport ship.
Se billede nedenunder for at vise hvordan du sender med oprør. For at kunne dette skal du forske det.
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You should consider the following rules for decoy attacks:
#All fake attacks should be hidden through the use of spells that you cast on them. If you have cast a spell on your attack, no other spells can be cast on it, and therefore it cannot be revealed by Athena's Wisdom spell.
#You should never send more than one fake attack from one city
#You should never send a fake attack from a city where you are sending a real attack from
#Any city from which you send a fake attack must have at least 4000 points (to make it believable as an attacking city)
#Never send fake attacks from a city that has recently been revealed to your enemies as being a defensive city or one without many troops in it

==Holding the siege==

To hold your siege, you will need both biremes and defensive support troops to arrive after your colony ship. You need both, since, if either you naval units or ground units die, the colony ship with be destroyed as well and the siege will be broken.
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Once you land your conquest attack and start your siege, you can keep track of incoming attacks and support by clicking the icon of the siege and selecting the 'Troops' tab:


You will not be notified of attacks, so if you are doing several conquests at the same time and don't know where to send your support, you should keep checking this tab regularly. Notice that you cannot cast spells on the attacks that are coming towards the city where you have your siege.
Herefter vil fjendens by være i oprør, og der går nu 12 timer indtil oprøret rigtig går i gang. Når disse 12 timer er gået kan du erobring byen.
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Du kan evt læse mere om det her:
Should your siege get broken, it is important that you withdraw any remaining troops. Otherwise your enemies could attack them and gain both the offensive and defensive battle points for killing them.

==Gathering intelligence==
Du kan selvfølgelig sagtens kolonisere byer før denne dag som nævnt før. Men jeg vil altid anbefale at lære spillet at kende inden du kaster dig ud i flere byer.

When you make attacks against an enemy, it is always a good idea to take a screenshot of your city wall, where you can see how many troops you have killed (when checking the killed units, you can also check whether your opponent was online and enlisted militia). If you lose the battle and you are not able to see how many troops you killed, you can often figure out the magnitude of the defense using the simulator. If I attack a city with 100 light ships that all die, I will not receive any information about how many ships I killed. So, I will check my city wall and compare it to the screenshot to see how many ships were killed. If I killed 73 biremes, I can run the result through the simulator (remember to input morale, luck and other bonuses) to figure out how many ships had to be in the city in order for the defender to suffer this exact loss. If you have been attacked from that city before, it will be easy for you to check in the simulator whether that player has the Captain premium bonus or has researched Battering Ram.
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Any time that another alliance tries to take your city, make sure to note down which support is sent from which cities. If you attack them later, you will have a very good idea of which initial defenses to expect.
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If you attack a city with ground troops from another city on the same island, you will be able to see all the ships in the city, even if you lose all yo. This is not only useful to see the amount of biremes and transports that your enemy will stack in a city if you attack it, giving you an indication about the amount of defense that player can send in support.

=Defending Against Conquest Attacks=
For yderligere guides fra Storekrog se også :

In conquest-worlds, there are a lot of possibilities for defenders to kill off attacks on their cities. If you only have one city, no friends, and you're put under siege, this system is very merciless. In fact, you can never really rest assured. However, should you be online, there are various things you can do, and I will try to describe how defense works below. If you have very little experience how defense works, you can read more about that in my [[General Defense Guide|defense guide]].
[[Guide_Portal_Guide_20| '''Gode nybegynder tips (fokus på Oprør)''']]

==General pointers==
[[Guide_Portal_Guide_21|'''Rutineret guide til opstart af byer på nye servere (fokus på Oprør)''']]
*If you have an incoming conquest attack, don't cast any spells on it right away, unless you hope to kill the colony ship with a Sea Storm before the attacker puts a spell on it. The attacker can recall within the first ten minutes of an attack, so unless you want to cast a Sea Storm or Zeus' Rage on the attack and hope to discourage it, you should wait out the ten minutes.
*If you see an incoming conquest attack and know that you can send a lot of support in time for its arrival; play dead. Don't give any signs of life by casting spells. If you are dodging attacks from the attacker or people associated with the attacker elsewhere, do not summon militia and be careful not to show that you have dodged by leaving one of two units that came through the production queue in the time between your dodge and the arrival of the attack. You can also apply this mentality to normal attacks. Any incoming attack might be a conquest attempt in the making. Never show that you are online too soon.
*Use fast transport ships for all your defensive cities, unless you keep their troops permantly stationed somewhere else. It is essential for being able to get to the the city being attacked quickly, especially if your alliance is spread over a big area
*Your enemies will sometimes to send messages to your to figure out your online times or simply to check if you're online at the moment or can be attacked. When you send a message to someone, you can see whether they have read it, even if they don't respond. So, if you suspect this is the case, I advise you to not read/respond to messages from enemies at times where you would give away your online times (for instance, right when you wake up or get home from work), but rather do so at odd times or at times where you would not normally be online. Even if your enemies don't want to use it against you, they will subconsciously add knowledge about your online times judging from which times you usually respond to their messages.
*Whenever a city is attacked, all the supporting troops only gain the bonuses that the owner of the city has (including premium bonuses), while none of their own bonuses matter. So, even if you make a naval city where you have no intention of building ground troops, you should still research Phalanx, and likewise you should also research Battering Ram in cities when you only build ground troops. If you are online very often, you will also be likely to benefit from building Tower in your cities, whereas if you are no online very often, it is like that your enemies will benefit from you building Tower, since they will get the 10% defensive bonus once they start a siege in your city.
==The role of naval units==
In revolt-based worlds, you can more easily rely on using only biremes to defend yourself. You always have more than 12 hours to react to an incoming conquest-attempt, which gives you plenty of time to stack all your biremes in the targeted city and fight with a big advantage in numbers against the light ships while annihilating any land troop attacks by killing the transports. However, in conquest worlds the role of biremes is not so clear cut.
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A big amount of biremes can do wonders if the attackers do not send enough light ships to screen for their attacks or do not send suffient light ship escorts with their ground armies. You can get a lot of cheap battle points this way. Having biremes always provides you a great tool to snipe an incoming conquest attempt, timing your support to arrive after most light ships have already attacked and easily withstanding the limited amount of light ships that are sent with the clearing waves and colony ship. However, biremes aren't fantastic defenders on their own. Whenever biremes are not stacked in their thousands, light ship nukes can do quite well against them. Against people who don't specialise their cities and maybe won't attack with more than 50 light ships at a time, a few hundred biremes can do quite well, but don't normally kill more than 150% of their worth. While the losses in the faceoff of light ships and biremes will be fairly even, the attacker will suffer much greater losses when facing a big defensive ground army in a city with high city walls. Therefore, you cannot really depend on either. You always need biremes to defend your own siege when you take cities and it's always worthwile to try to use biremes to snipe colony ships or kill off lightly-guarded transport ships, but you will always need the defensive groud troops to be able to take the damage when you face overwhelming odds.
==Recognizing a conquest attack==
When you are under attack, it is crucial to know if the attack is a conquest attack or just a normal attack. If it's a normal attack, you might simply dodge or send a few troops to incept, but normally a conquest attack requires you to enact more defensive measures. You can always recognize an attack with a colony ship by its speed. If you check the Grepolis [[Units Portal]], you can see the speed of all units. Here, you can see that the colony ship is the slowest naval unit, and since fire ships cannot attack, no other naval unit is less than twice as quick. When you are attacked, there are three speeds that you normally need to consider:
*Attack with colony ship: The slowest of all attacks
*Attack containing normal transport ships: 2,6 times as fast as an attack with colony ship
*Attack containing light ship (and no normal transports): 4,3 as fast as attack with colony ship
To get the time it would take for a colony ship to attack a specific city, you simply select attack on the city that is attacking you and put '1' in for colony ship, and the time will show:
So, if an attack were to come from the city in the above example, I would have a better chance of knowing whether it was a colony ship. If I had been offline for five hours and logged in, I know that the attack would still have at least 2:54 hrs remaining (possibly less, if the attacking city has Cartopgraphy researched and yours does not), even if it was launched right after I logged off. There is no way for you to know exactly when an attack was launched at you. However, whenever an attack in launched at you, a notification of the attack will pop up on the right side of your screen. If you had reports or trades coming through while you were offline, those would also be listed on the right side. All these notification are listed chronologically, with the latest being on top. So, if the attack notification shows between the notifications for a trade going through and a battle report, you will know that the attack happened within that time frame.
==Defensive snipe==
When you are attacked, you most often have two choices:
#Send massive support and defend against most/all attacks
#Try to snipe the colony ship
You can snipe by sending units to support from other cities, but it can be hard to get the right timing because of the anti-timer. Sniping is done most effectively if you have units in the city that is being attacked. You need enough units to be able to defend against the one attack with the colony ship. If your city that is under attack has a lot of defensive troops, these might be sufficient to kill off the attack with the colony ship, at least if the prior attacks do not have catapults to take down your city walls. So, you can perform a defensive snipe by dodging all the clearing waves, only defending against the conquest attack.
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The optimal timing for your support would be to arrive one second before the colony ship, but worse timing than that can often be sufficient. If you arrive on the same second as the attack does, the attack will always arrive first. As with timing attacks, you can recall and resend your support from other cities sevaral times to get a good timing, especially if the offset of the anti-timer is big, allowing you to send support that would arrive after the colony ship does, but instead arrives before the colony ship due to the anti-timer offset. If you are not quick enough with the mouse or don't have fast internet or computer, you might not be able to do the recall/resend in attempt to get a perfect timing. If a few clearing attacks arrive just a few seconds before the conquest attack and you don't have units in the city to snipe with, you might want to be risky and launch your support with an arrival that is closer to the arrival time of the conquest attacks, giving you a slightly higher chance of hitting the right timing but also risking that your support arrives after the conquest attack and is not able to participate. Another risk you might want to take is one that prevents you from getting too much support killed off. If you are up against a big alliance and know they have many more light ships than you have biremes, you might want to avoid fighting them unless you have to. If you have several bireme and light ship cities that can reach the attacked city in time, you might want to recall any support or attacks that get a bad timing. You likely need just one perfectly timed support or offensive snipe to kill off the colony ship, so you can make several attempts at getting that timing and save your city without many losses.
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If a lot of clearing waves have been sent, it is likely that the attackers will have gotten a good timing with a few of these despite the anti-timer, and you might only have a few seconds between the last clearing wave and the conquest attack. If you have a good internet connection, you might find it easier to just dodge the last clearing wave right before it attacks (by sending your army towards a city on attack or support mission) and recall after a few seconds. If you want to dodge several minutes in advance and then recall, this tool might make it easier for you to make calculations (get the specific arrival time of the conquest attack by clicking its icon and insert this time as 'time of return'). Just remember, you cannot recall 10 minutes after your army has been sent somewhere, so make sure to do it before that. And if you send your troops to a nearby city and let them stay in support there, recalling them will count as a new support mission, so you will suffer the effects of the anti-timer. See an extensive example of a defensive snipe from the same city here). I recommend you test how the recall works on your setup before you use it for a snipe.
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Here is an example of how a bunch of incoming attacks might look like, where the colony ship arrives seven seconds after the last clearing wave:
*<u>'''NO IMAGE'''</u>
Here is another attack, where the timing is much tighter:
In this situation, I still managed to snipe, but forgot to make a last-second enlistment of militia. You will want to prepare exactly what you want to do and keep windows such as farm for militia open (though minimized) if you think they will be necessary for you to make it.
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In the following you can see an example of me sending my defensive troops away and then recalling to snipe:
As you can see, the timing of the snipe was unecessarily tight, since the colony ship arrived 31 seconds after the last clearing wave, leaving a lot of time to snipe. Sniping can be risky business, since you can end up getting your troops back too late, in which case they will attack the city and the occupying troops. This part naturally leads us to the offensive snipe.
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One thing to keep in mind is that if you have lots of attacks incoming at the time where you need to recall, you might need to open the attack window to cancel your attack/support mission from there, since the troop movement window will be jumping up and down, making it very hard to cancel from there.
==Offensive snipe==
An offensive snipe works much like a defensive snipe. You send your units away and then recall them to arrive at a specific time. An offensive snipe works best when you have offensive ground troops and a low city wall or light ships in the city. Your aim will be for your offensive units to arrive back in your city just after the colony ship and before the first support wave arrives. If your units get back too late, too much support might have arrived, and you will not be able to kill off the colony ship. But if you have 100 light ships in the city, those will normally easily be able to defeat whatever ships are sent with the colony ship. Some players include triremes or biremes in the attack with the colony ship, which means that they will have some to defend right away, but it will normally not be enough to defeat as many as 100 light ships. Most players will only include light ships in their conquest attack, and these will very easily be killed off by just a few light ships, allowing you to kill the colony ship. If you have some offensive ground troops, these might also be able to defeat the offensive units sent with the colony ship and this break the siege (colony ship will also be destroyed if all supporting land troops die). This can also be done by sending attacks towards your own city from your other cities - just mind the anti-timer. There is no risk in attacking your own cities, since it's only possible for the attack to actually happen if you city is under siege. So, if you attack your own city but the conquest attack hasn't broken through, your troops will simply have a cup of tea and head back home.
==Dealing with inactives==
In any war, members going inactive will likely be a deciding element. If you have a tight knit alliance, everyone who wishes to leave the game will inform their alliance-mates in advance and make sure they can take all their cities at the same time, not leaving time for any enemies to take them once they discover the player is quitting. However, you might find yourselves in a situation where someone goes inactive and you don't know whether they are coming back or cannot take their cities right away. In this case, it is highly recommend that you send a tripwire to the city. A tripwire typically consists of a single transport ship and single unit. Sending these in support to a city means that you get a report notifying you of your support being attacked if someone sends an attack against the city. If your land unit dies but you ship survives, it cannot be a conquest attack since it would require both land and naval units. If the transport ship also dies, it means that all units in the city were gone or killed, and there's a good chance that someone has started a siege in the city, and you should send your light ships to attack the city. Often, people will not expect that they have to defend against a lot of light ships when they conquer the city of an inactive, so there is a good chance that you can break the siege with a single light ship nuke and keep them off the city. You would have to move quickly to take the city after that, though, as they will not make the mistake of sending limited support the next time. It is important to take the cities of your own inactive since you will otherwise leave holes within your own lines. If enemies get a city in the middle of all your cities, this can act as a launching platform for conquest attacks or as a place from which they can send quick attacks to kill off your offensive armies or light ship nukes.
It can also be a good idea to tripwire various inactive players and ghost town in your area if no one from your alliance is taking them just yet. If you decide to tripwire active players from your own alliance, you should send a bireme or unescorted transport ship (anything that won't accidentally kill off the light ships of your alliance-mate) to the city if the tripwire goes off. Once you get the battle report, you can see whether the city is currently occupied. Might be a good idea to send them a message if you're attacking them as well.
<font size=2> Denne guide er taget fra engelsk forum, skrevet af [ Asjo] og oversat af Grepolis team DK

Nuværende version fra 3. jun. 2020, 12:26

Note fra forfatteren

Denne guide går ud på at forklare hvordan du kommer bedst fra start til en ny server. Jeg vil lave flere guides som omfatter hvordan du spiller spillet, og hvor rutineret du er. Denne guide tager udgangspunkt i du er helt nybegynder til spillet og spillespil er balanceret (både deffensiv og offensiv) (Guiden tager udgangspunkt i du spiller på en oprørs server. Ting kan variere fra oprør til erobring.)

Dag 1:

Den bedste måde at starte sin by op på, er at følge dine ingame missioner du får vidst til højre i skærmen. De findes under denne:

Guide Portal 18 20 21 01.png

De giver dig et godt udgangspunkt i form af hvordan din by bygges op, og du vil have lettere ved at få råstoffer. Sideløbende vil du opleve du skal klare nogle angreb hos banditlejren, dette er måden du i starten samler kamppoint. Kamppoint bruges blandt andet til kultur point (300 kamppoint aka KP pr kultur) Derudover bruges de også til at erobre landsbyer på din ø. pr landsby du erobre, jo dyrere bliver den næste. Det er derfor vigtigt at gemme KP til dine landsbyerne i starten, da de er din hovedindtægt til råstoffer. Alt efter spillestil og serverhastighed, vil jeg anbefale i få alle landsbyer og lvl dem op i minimum 3-4 i starten. Du kan sagtens gå længere op men kommer an på din spillestil, som jeg vil komme ind på lidt senere.

Efter dag 1 burde du have en by der ser nogenlunde sådan her ud:

Guide Portal 18 20 21 01 A.png

Det kan variere fra spiller til spiller, alt efter hvor dit fokus ligger. Nogle vægter senat højere hvor andre vægter minerne højere (skovhugger, stenbrud og sølvmine) så alt efter smag. Som ny spiller vil jeg anbefale at få minerne op, medmindre du ved du vil være meget på og farme råstoffer via landsbyerne.

Dag 2:

Dag 2 kan være en af de lidt mere kedelige dage da du her skal begynde at fokusere mere på hvilken vej du skal gå. Samt byggeriet tager længere tid. I denne guide tager vi udgangspunkt i en balanceret spillestil, så fokus vil være på både off og deff. Som nybegynder vil jeg ikke anbefale man begynder allerede at gå efter by nummer 2. Men mere at få fokus over sin hovedby og få den til at kunne modstå evt angreb så snart begynderbeskyttelse er ovre. Derfor vil jeg anbefale at nye spillere fokusere på at få muren op i minimum lvl 15, derudover at få senat lvl 21 og hule lvl 10. Et andet godt tip ville være at få akademi i lvl 13 for at forske arkitektur og byggekran. Byen kunne evt. se sådanne ud:

Guide Portal 18 20 21 02 A.png

Dag 3-5:

Disse dage går det ud på at udvide din by yderligere. Plus derudover at finde ud af hvad din by skal have fokus på. Her tænker jeg at du skal overveje hvordan din spiller stil skal være, skal du være offensiv eller defensiv. Hvis vi tager den defensive del, så skal du fokusere på at få bygget nogle deff tropper. Det er primært sværd + buer + hoplit i starten. Find et balanceret tal du mener er nok. Jeg ville nok anbefale for en semi aktiv spiller 300-500 deff tropper, så er du godt stillet mod angreb. På den offensive del kan du begynde at overveje hvilke spillere du vil angribe når de kommer ud af begynderbeskyttelse. Da alle i starten er i beskyttelse er det ikke muligt at spionere. Men du kan altid følge dem i form af deres point hvor aktive de er, deres by størrelse afspejler deres aktivitet + normalt os deres tropper. Alt efter hvor hurtig og aktiv du er, burde du også kunne begynde og overveje hvilke special bygninger du skal/kan vælge. Jeg vil altid anbefale til en nybegynder at bygge term + tårn. Term fordi det giver dig mere befolkning = mere deff/off tropper. Tårn fordi det giver dig 10% ekstra deff point, som gør du står stærkere hvis nogen angriber.

Dag 5+:

Dette er dagen på de fleste danske servere hvor begynder beskyttelsen udløber. Her skal du kunne forvente at flere kunne finde på at angribe dig. På en ny server er det tit folk som tester andre spillere hvor seriøse de er. Derfor er det vigtigt du er mere obs på din mobil eller PC i dag.

Hvis du bliver angrebet:

Hvis du bliver angrebet er det vigtigt du fokusere på at få sendt dine offensive tropper væk. Det kunne være som hjælp til en naboby eller som hjælp til et alliance medlem. Hvis du er på imens kunne du evt trække dine tropper ud og trækker dem hjem igen så snart angrebet er landet. Derudover er det vigtigt at aktivere milits. Det er gratis “tropper” fra din by til dit forsvar. De er ikke stærke men kan gøre en forskel som gør du vinder sejren. Du kan også aktivere forsvars boost. f eks forbedret forsvar. Du finder dem inde i dit “inventar”.

Hvis du vil angribe:

Hvis du vil angribe er det vigtigt du kun angriber med dine offensive tropper. Du vil miste rigtig mange ressourcer, men også tropper hvis du angriber med f eks sværd og buer. Du kan aktivere boost på dit angreb, det gør du ved efter du har sendt at trykke på angrebet. og gå ind i “magi” også finde den boost du vil smide op. Du kan også kaste negativ magi på din fjendes by. Du klikker på byen og vælger magi og herfra kan du f eks kaste jordskælv som tager 1-3 levels af muren hos din fjenden. Det gør du mister færre tropper og derfor har større chance for at vinde kampen.

Ny by:

Derudover er det også her jeg ville begynde og anbefale du kunne rekruttere en ny by. Det kan enten gøres i form af kolonisering eller erobring. Kolonisering betyder du skal finde et anker på en ø også sende det afsted som kolonisering. Erobring er hvor du tager byer for fjenden. Kort fortalt handler det om at sætte hans by i oprør. Det gør du ved at rydde alle tropper i hans by og hvis du har sendt dine egne tropper som opgør. Se billede nedenunder for at vise hvordan du sender med oprør. For at kunne dette skal du forske det.

Guide Portal 18 20 21 03 A.png

Herefter vil fjendens by være i oprør, og der går nu 12 timer indtil oprøret rigtig går i gang. Når disse 12 timer er gået kan du erobring byen. Du kan evt læse mere om det her: Oprør

Du kan selvfølgelig sagtens kolonisere byer før denne dag som nævnt før. Men jeg vil altid anbefale at lære spillet at kende inden du kaster dig ud i flere byer.

For yderligere guides fra Storekrog se også :

Gode nybegynder tips (fokus på Oprør)

Rutineret guide til opstart af byer på nye servere (fokus på Oprør)