Guide Portal Guide 04

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"Hvad skal jeg gøre når jeg bliver angrebet?" Guiden

Notér venligst at denne guide er primært for spillere der er helt nye og kun har 1 by.

Så du har bygget en super fin by på 1500-2000 point. Du har været fredelig, ja du har ikke engang angrebet den 200 point by, der er i dit område, fordi du ikke vil såre deres følelser og du har måske kun hentet ressourcer enkelte gange i landsbyerne, for de skal jo også spise, ikke sandt? Men den her onde onde person ngriber din by mens du er offline og du finder ud af at 50 af dine tropper, som du har trænet, ligger døde på jorden og dit lager er tømt. Hvad gør du så?

Først og fremmest forhold dig roligt, Grepolis er designet for at spillere, som dig, kan være i stand til at overleve, ja og endda slå dem der angriber og "farmer" dig. "Så hvad skal jeg gøre?", spørger du. Hvis du følger disse 8 trin, så skulle det hjælpe.

De 8 Trin

1. Forsk byvagt. Milits er en fantastisk skadende enhed der er gratis for dig. De giver ingen fordele til angriber, men tager flere af hans tropper ud og forsyner dig endda med gratis kamppoint. Dog skal du lige notere dig at din ressource produktion reduceres i 3 timer hvis du indkalder militsen.

2.Når du ser et indkommende angreb, så indkald militsen og lad angriberen slås med din milits. Hvis du er færdig med at spille for den dag og den store grimme farming spiller ikke har været forbi dig endnu så husk at indkalde militsen før du logger af, i tilfælde af han angriber indenfor 3 timer efter du er logget af.

3. Byg ikke tropper! Dette er en meget vigtig pointe. Hvis jeg farmer nogen, så er jeg faktisk glad når de konstant producerer tropper. Kamppoint er en fantastisk værdifuld ressource i spillet, som jeg ikke er sikker på at have en stabil indtægt af hele tiden. Så hvis du kan forsyne mig med 20-30 kamppoint om dagen når du producerer tropper, så tager jeg glædeligt imod i stedet for dine ressourcer. Det er jo sådan at hver gang man har 300 kamppoint er det samme værd som 15000 træ, 18000 sten og 15000 sølv (som er hvad et byfest koster).

  • Hvis du skal være online noget tid, så kan du bygge tropper og sende dem til nabo byer. på denne måde kan du bygge et forsvar op og undvige angreb.

Det ideele senario vil være at angriber går hjem med tabte tropper og 0 ressourcer og 0 kamppoint. 4. Brug alle ressourcer. Før et angreb lander og før du logger ud, så husk at brug alle ressourcer i byen.

5. Byg kun følgende bygninger:

a. Bymur - Denne bygning øger dine troppers forsvarsværdi.

b. Bondegård - hvert niveau giver dig 15 ekstra milits til at slås , op til niveau 25.

c. Tempel - Du får brug for en masse gunst (grunde følger om lidt).

Remember attackers can destroy city walls and other buildings (if stone hail is researched) so if you have a choice of what to build, go for the farm or temple.

  • Unless they Lightning Bolt you, this can take a level off of any building.

6. Spend all of your favour and change the god you worship in the temple to Zeus. He loves the downtrodden. Do not do anything with this favor until you reach 200. Once you get 200 cast the bolt spell on your attacker's city. (Go to the map, click his city, click on enact divine power - click bolt.) If you get a message saying you are not allowed, to it means one of two things.

1. He is under Athena's protection - in which case you wait for it to run out and then cast the bolt.

2. Some other kind person has cast bolt on him within the last 4 hours for being a meanie. In which case wait till you can cast bolt.

7. Join an alliance. You have probably heard that MRAs are bad and they generally are. But in this case they will work for you. First, they generally don't care that you're being farmed so they will let you in. Second, they have lots of members who also generate favour. Join the biggest alliance you can. If you can join a 1000 man alliance then do so. It doesn't really matter if you're close to them or not, you're not getting support anyway. Some alliances may not let you in if they know that you are being attacked. Most will however! Just send a nice message to the leader/recruiter for the alliance. Explain that you are new to the game, you are being attacked and you would like some help and they should be nice and help you out.

  • Also note that you should join an alliance that is in your ocean, you need allies to be near to you, not hours and hours away.

8. Put up a thread in your alliance saying you are being farmed and ask them to bolt your attacker. Most of them would be happy to oblige as bolting takes very little effort. Remember if only 1% of your alliance listen to you that's still 10 bolts a day aimed at your attacker. If you feel there is not enough people who have agree to help you then be proactive and start private messaging random members of your alliance and ask them to help.

A few things to avoid

There are a few things that you want to avoid in this situation, namely: aggravating the situation. Though, it is hard to say as not all situations are the same and neither are all attackers.

  • In general, it is a bad idea to message the attacking player saying things like-
    • etc
  • All caps tends to annoy people and it could just make the situation worse. This is not to say that you should never message the person who is attacking you. Some will be understanding, we have all been in your situation at one point or another and they may stop attacking you. I suppose it is worth a shot! Most players will take the viewpoint that it is all part of the game and you should see it as being valuable experience for you. :)
  • All too often players will see an incoming attack and will immediately write to the attacker and will just start an argument with them in the end. This helps no-one and can really ruin the game for some people. My rule #1, don't message them until you've thought about it for a while.
  • Sending in a support ticket to the in game moderation team-
    • Unless you have reason to believe that the player who is attacking you is cheating then there is nothing that the moderation team can do for you. It is part of the game after all!
    • If you are unsure as to whether a player is doing something wrong, take a look at the game rules. If you are still unsure, then do send in a ticket. It is better that you send it in and are wrong than you not report the player and they were actually cheating. Players cheating IS is a rare occurrence, do not think that it is the norm!